Samuel K. Resin (May 31, 1967 - May 25, 2015)This page is dedicated to one of our greatest friends and supporters of the Indian Community and our Native American Veterans, Samuel K. Resin. There are many types of people in our world, but when it comes down to choosing but two types there are “givers” and there are “takers”. Anyone who knew Sam, knew that he was without a doubt a “Giver”. He gave from his heart and his soul to people with no expectations in return but only to know that he made someone happy and could bring peace of mind. He gave out of respect, honor and appreciation, and he gave to our Native People and our Native Veterans. Sam had adopted a young Native child and family through Native American resources and for years sent funding and gifts to help the family and child in need. He spoke happily of how it gave him a great feeling knowing he could help to make their lives happy and bring smiles to their faces. He would call asking advice on what to get a little child for gifts at Christmas, Birthday’s, and special events through the year, (as he himself had not yet been blessed with a child). Sam also took pride in supporting our Native American Veterans and helped fund care packages to our troops overseas serving in combat. And when he heard that we were starting First Nations Women Warriors Non-Profit Organization, the only thing he wanted to know was where to send the funds to help start the Organization. The Eagle is in our Organizations Logo and represents strength, pride and honor for our People. And we know that Sam will always be in the wind that helps us continue to soar to success………..